
Fight The New Drug’s website was very interesting to me. Additionally, i had no idea this site  existed and pornography was such a problem. In addition, after browsing the website, the site does a great job on explaining the harmful effects of pornography. Moreover, the site explains that pornography can be harmful in three ways. These ways affect the brain, heart, and the world around you. Additionally, they elaborate on how pornography can be addictive, changes your way of thinking, affects your behavior, ruins relationships, and may lead to violence.

Furthermore, in chapter six, Sternhiemer explains how we all “live in a time where nothing is off limits in pop-culture, and the most private information about celebrities love lives becomes tabloid fodder.” I can definitely see how young teens may be influenced due to the content displayed of a celebrities life. The young individual may think it’s acceptable to act or mirror a celebrity, which may lead to negative outcomes. Additionally, Sternhiemer elaborates on how many adults fear that sex is no longer a big deal to kids, and how young teens are hooking up and growing up fast. This might have to do with the sexual content they read, view, or hear that may trigger certain actions.