Facts and ADveRTISeMENTS

Remember when we thought everything we found on the internet was true. The challenge is to determine fact from fake while getting information on a topic. So that’s what I hope I did. I did as directed and searched engines Google, yahoo, and duck duck go.  I found my search results quite interesting….

I first searched Google for college affordability and found it came up with facts and facts mixed with analysis.  Some sites however only contained facts for certain universities while other sites compared costs based on what type of university for instance it compared public, private, and public nonprofit. But everything isn’t always as it should be.

I then searched Yahoo and found a load of crap. My first full page of results were advertisements. Advertisement after advertisement. It showed online schools, information/ ads for lowering your college costs, and how costs are extraordinarily high that you might as well go to a convenient cost effective online college. On yahoo an over exaggeration of higher education costs and opinions can be found. It makes you feel as if you’re on facebook with all the eye catching ad/posts to click on only to find out its fake and you wasted your time even going to the site. Yahoo was useless in my opinion while searching on the topic.

I finally searched duck duck go which is filled with facts and articles based on actual information. No ADS or Empty facts. When it states something it explains the fact and goes in-depth. It would put a smile on your face to see all the information.