Fall 2015 Wrap Up!

IMG_0842 IMG_0840No, this is not CSUCI!!

Thanksgiving trip to snowy beautiful Oregon- apparently this early 1+ foot of snow was not the norm for the area… maybe early sign of impending El Niño??

Fitting that I should experience such extreme weather as I continue the quest to get the CSUCI weather station off the ground. As the Fall 2015 semester winds to a close we have made great progress, but there is still much work to be done. Early builds of the CI Weather website are in the works, and test subjects will be needed for opinion surveys very soon – stay posted…

I hope that everyone is feeling good about their respective semesters, and I know we are all excited to get into Spring, get our work done and make it happen. We have a great community at CI, and I am proud to be a part of it.

Cheers to all!!