Family on T.V.

Are families on television changing the way not just girls but everyone reliving their lives today? I say yes. With all the reality shows that arena T.V. there isn way that people don’t day dream about getting on T.V. some how. I think people are flocking to Alaska to try out real survival and people who are not prepared going on survival shows. Reading the chapter from Sternheimer she lists a lot of shows that affect how people think about their own life and I immediately thought of 7th Heaven. This show was about a pastor and his family and the struggles they face. The father was a very influential man in the show who was a respected powerful man. In the real world the actor Stephen Collins was molesting children for years and was finally caught a few years ago. Television personalities and characters are influential people and people in the world look up to them and that is why it is so important to watch positive television. I brought up 7th heaven because even if you think you know some one by watching them on T.V. you are very wrong even with the reality shows that are supposed to be unscripted are not real people. What do you think everybody?