Favorite day

Saturday  August, 1,2015. This by far was my most favorite day. We first went to Windsor castle, then Stonehenge, then Oxford university. Stonehenge was amazing! I still am in awe. Stonehenge is estimated to date back to 3100 BC it was constructed in 3 phase taking more than thirty million hours of labor! It is the most impressive prehistoric earthworks in Europe. Describing Stonehenge just dosent do it justice. I just loved being in the country side of England it was just so different from Londpm which I enjoyed. I’m a City girl at heart but being out there was really nice. I enjoyed Windsor castle and the romantic gothic style the castle has. It has 1,000 rooms as well! I can only imagine what it must have been like to live there. It was truly beautiful. Afterwards we went to Oxford university, I didn’t like it all too much but it was interesting being at Oxford I always hear about it so being there was just cool in itself. Overall my day was filled with lots of laughter, good food, and axing sights to see.