Field Methods

Today, I am going to take some time to describe what it is I do when I’m out on the island counting trees.  Most days, I have to hike up the mountain to my site where I peel off the road and clime down a cliff to my trees.  Once, I find a tree I walk up to it and get as close as possible as the tree stabs me with its branches and then I mark a way-point on my GPS.  Then, I take the diameter and breast height (DBH) and write down the height, health, and whether or not the tree is reproductive.  For my day of collections i split the grove up into four sections  and randomized my selection of trees.  I would look for trees that were reproductive and gather three pine cones from each tree.

Here is a picture of my taking the DBH of a small Bishop pine.


And here is a picture of me collecting pine cones from a Bishop pine.  The tree was a little awkward so I had to climb on top of the tree to get to the pine cones.