Field Methods with the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology (WFVZ)

I never thought I would be a birder growing up but that has all changed since my engagement at CSU Channel Islands and my enrollment in Ornithology. Recently I have had the opportunity to learn how to conduct transects, point counts, bird band and set up and take down mist nets. I was able to work alongside Dr. Linnea Hall, Executive Director and René Corado, Collections Manager for the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology in assisting them in a demonstration for the Ornithology class.

René Corado, Collections Manager for the WFVZ holds a Allen's Hummingbirds that was captured in a mist net.
René Corado, Collections Manager for the WFVZ holds a Allen’s Hummingbirds that was captured in a mist net.