Final Blog!!

  1. 5
  2. 5
  3. 5
  4. I think my strengths with my blog, was linking class concepts with scenarios in Survivor. With commenting on others blogs, I participated every week and tried to link comments with course material but it was difficult.
  5. To improve on my blog and participation, I could have talked about Survivor a little more in each blog, and in comments I could have written a little more.
  6. I enjoyed blogging for the most part. I thought it was a fun and different assignment for class.
  7. I did not like that blogs were due on Mondays. Having class and a blog due along with other assignments seemed like too much for one day.
  8. For blogging in the future, I would suggest changing the day it is due to Fridays. I would also start it earlier in the semester so that we wouldn’t be starting class material, SCAP, and the blog at the same time, it got overwhelming.