Final Blog

Now that nursing school is almost at its conclusion I have some time to reflect on the past three years in my final blog. I see how much I have grown as a student, person and friend. As a student, I believe that I have proven to myself how far I can get. I do admit to times where I wish I could re do things because I tend to get complacent at times. Sometimes I do struggle to stay motivated and achieve my true potential. As I continue to search for that motivation, I will do my best to put my best foot forward in this profession. I have high aspirations for myself but for everyone in our class. I am extremely proud to say that I was among a class represented by many accomplished individuals. As a person I can definitely see many differences. I was proud of my ability to gain so much confidence in regards to nursing. I definitely feel confident as a new grad entering the nursing profession. Physically I think I am in the best shape of my life. I am proud to have been part of the championship team in my three years playing basketball at CSUCI. I continue to develop my lifting mechanics because they play a critical role in my ability to stay healthy and be a nurse for a long time to come. Lastly, I feel like I am a more compassionate individual because of the things that nursing has taught me. I recently became Big in the Big Brother Big Sister program of Ventura County. I have been a mentor before and received great satisfaction in bringing success to the life of my friend. I want to continue to make an impact on other individuals on a more personal basis. Right now I am paired up with a 9 year old boy and hope to change his life for the better. In doing so I think I will continue to find satisfaction in life and be even happier than I am today.