Final Blog!

Wow I can’t believe it’s the last blog post! This class has been a great learning experience. Lecture and clinical have really helped me grow in my nursing skills and critical thinking. Learning this final piece of the puzzle (critical care) has reiterated concepts that we have been learning through this whole program and solidified them. One example of a concept that I have finally understood is ABGs. In patho especially, it was hard for me to distinguish respiratory verses metabolic acidosis/alkalosis. In saying that, it surprises me, knowing how well I understand it all now. I also really enjoyed learning the different types of dysrhythmias and their treatment. ACLS is a really important class to take to reinforce the concepts of heart rhythms and how to treat a patient in a critical situation. My passion for cardiac disorders and treatment has also grown this semester. I hope to start off working on a telemetry unit and continue to learn about the heart while I grow as a nurse. I am so thankful for this program, the faculty, and the students. I truly feel blessed to have gone through this program with everyone and for everything that I experienced and learned!