Final Blog Post

1)  4. I was forgot to do two blogs but besides that they were always on time. I connected the content of the class with the show throughout the entire blog series. I also participated in commenting on my peers blogs regularly.

2) 4 Throughout the whole blogging process i consistently would comment on my peers blogs. I enjoyed ready my group mates views on the episodes and how they connected it to the course content.

3) 4 I was pretty good on connecting the book to the show. On a couple i would just talk about what had happened in the show and wouldn’t connect it to the content as much as others.

4) I thought my strengths were the consistence that i did them. I enjoyed the show as a first time watcher and found it to be a fun assignment making my strengths come out in my blog. Im also not taking an english class right now and it was refreshing to write weekly.

5) I think my blogging could improve with a lot more practice. I need to work on my spelling I’m my blogs. With commenting on others i could have gone further in depth about what they were taking about the show and how they choose to relate it to course content.

6) What i liked about blogging was watching a show i hadn’t seen before. I really ended up getting into the show and would look forward to new episodes. I also liked how i now have my own website where i can blog for the rest of my life. Overall I’d say i really enjoyed blogging.

7) What i didn’t like about blogging was that we had to comment on two of our peers blogs rather than just one.

8) I would just suggest to make one peer comment instead of two.