Final Blog Post (10)

Greg Belluomini


Oh, so the time has come to reflect on the semester. My final blog is minutes away from being published!

Question 1:

I would give myself a 3.  In the beginning of the semester, I did pretty well. By the time the second round of blogs came around, I tended to miss a few. Okay, I got lazy. I said it. Sadly, I watched the episodes and everything but never got around to an easy reflection of how the episode related to the textbook. I was good however of submitting them before midnight. I got close a few times, but always made the deadline.

Question 2:

Can I give myself a zero? I always would post and read over my peer’s reflections but never took the time to comment on their posts. I realize the importance of responding and this is something I really regret not doing.

Question 3:

I would give myself a 5 on this one. I always made it a point to go through the chapter as I was watching the episode and write down notes about relating material. I tried my hardest not to summarize too much and instead, focus on the concepts.

Question 4:

My strength was that I focused on the textbook material as I was watching. This really helped me focus on the concepts and not on summarizing. I feel like I did a pretty good job on my relation to concepts in general as well. I feel as if my thoughts and observations were fairly spot on.

Question 5:

I think if I didn’t wait until Monday night when it was due and actually wrote the blog post and watched the episode earlier in the week, I would have stayed on top of them more. I am guilty of some major procrastination when it came to my blogs and the ones I missed were because I put it off and decided it would stress me out too much to do it at the last minute.

Question 6:

I liked being able to see my peers posts. Seeing their observations and differing points of view on the same episode and core concepts was interesting to me. I also enjoyed that this assignment wasn’t traditional and was actually fun for most tech savvy students.

Question 7:

WordPress seemed a little difficult at first to edit and change page content. I also never got into it enough to do the blog posts from my phone which would have probably made them more enjoyable for me and made me more apt to complete them.

Question 8:

I think if I were made more accountable on them, I would have completed more. If they were graded each week and I could see the grade I was getting could make me more motivated. Also, maybe give 10 minutes of class time for students to write out or publish their blog posts each week.