Final Blog Post!

Hey Everyone! I cannot believe that this is our final blog post! Over this semester the idea of Digital Citizenship has drastically changed for me. In our initial Voice Thread assignment I defined Digital Citizenship has how someone carries themselves online. But now I believe that being a Digital Citizenship is way more than that simple definition.

Over the semester our various assignments have greatly expanded my knowledge of the online community. To me being a Digital Citizen now is someone who knows how to share and find information regarding things that are important to them. An example of this would be us, the students, that were able to find and share information about our topics. Another way idea that I believe adds on to the Digital Citizen idea is someone who is able to stay connected with what is going on all over the world via social media. An example of this would be when the shootings in Paris occurred the first place to begin showing news about it was social media, through people who were there. One more idea of Digital Citizenship that comes to mind is how to use your online presence to share information that might not be otherwise easy to locate.

Throughout this semester, I have also learned an array of tools that I can use on social media now. Before this class I did not know that in twitter you could arrange the people you follow into certain lists. Moving people into these lists allows you to focus on certain ideas and topics without being distracted by other accounts that you follow. I have also learned how to use hashtags more effectively in order to condense information about certain topics that I am interested in. Another major tool or idea about social media that I learned over the semester was that social media is not just some app to goof off on. I learned that social media can be a tool to expand your network of people and knowledge.

Overall, this semester in UNI349DC has completely changed how I look at social media. Before this class I looked at social media has a source of entertainment, but now I have learned what social media can be to a person who knows how to integrate themselves within the online community.

Thank you Professors for a great semester and hopefully see you guys soon!