Final Chapter

I Sit here staring at my now near empty room, while listening to Blair Late sing Love is calling (No comments from Peanut Gallery). And It just makes me sad to say goodbye finally. It is truly a time in my life that will never be forgotten and will always be remembered fondly. I hope its not my last though, I built a family here, I know I did and I know they will support my endeavors as long as I follow who I am. Its been a wrecking week, with the breaking of my Nexus Tablet and the lost of a precious Pin (Given to me by some really strong people That I actually Cherish xP), Ive just finally needed a time to stop and think about everything thats happened that I never posted. Since Aprl 7th of my last Post I have gone to Vietnam with friends, seen the growth in my students that I will truly miss and done much more than I am allowed to say =). I think though, it is definitely my time to leave and return to reality that is America. Until I find a permanent life out there, ill continue my search for the never ending adventure. Its just a truly sad but expected time, itll be good to see my Niece and my Puppies. Thank you for everything Chengdu, and I wish everyone whose continued to read on, the best of luck in your own adventures, and to make sure to record as much of it as possible. This blog will definitely be updated from time to time with new adventures. But as for now, this will surely close the Chengdu Adventure Chapter.

From One Adventurer to another: Cogito Ergo Sum
Love is Calling