Final Post.

1. This past semester we blogged each week about Survivor and how it connected to our book. On a scale of 1 to 5, I would consider myself a 5 when it came to the consistency of submitting my blog posts in a timely manner. I always made sure that my blog entries were posted before Monday at midnight.
2. Every week, I posted a comment on someone’s survivor blog. I would give myself a 4 in this category because even though I did post a comment every week, I thought my comments could have been more thought out and much longer than posted.
3. On a scale of 1 to 5, I would give myself a 3 on trying to integrate the class concepts into my posts about survivor. I say this because sometimes I just blogged about the show and completely forgot integrating these concepts. But on most of my posts, I talked about at least one concept from our book.
4. I think my strengths when writing out these blog posts were being able to make it interesting for the reader. I like to write, so making these blog posts were a lot o fun. I was glad that I always commented on other people’s blog posts. Let’s say a concept in the show was confusing; we could just read anther student’s post to get a better understanding with it.
5. I can improve my blogging by being more organized in my writing. For example, I can write things in order so they do not sound like my writing is all over the place. When it comes to improving my participation, I can write more in my comments that I post for others and not be afraid to point out the flaws.
6. I liked blogging because it felt too formal like an essay. I felt like I was able to write whatever I felt about the episode like additional commentary.
7. Something that I did not like about blogging was having to do it every week. It did not seem like busy work, but sometimes it was difficult for me to connect concepts from the chapter into the show.
8. I think this assignment can somehow connect back to the chapter. I think watching a video about the chapter before hand could be very helpful for having a reminder that we do indeed have to write about the chapter and not just the show.