Final Post

  1. Definitely only a 2 I barely submitted the blog posts and out of the ones done they were on time.
  2. I would grant myself a 1 because I never posted on a peer’s blog
  3. I think out of the posts that I did I would give myself a 4 because I made sure to directly tie in what was happening in the episode to the chapter specified
  4. My strengths definitely were tying together what the chapter was talking about to the episode, I think I had a great understanding of what the chapters were saying and did a decent job finding the possible connections to the text.
  5. I could have tried more to keep up on deadlines and to put some overall effort into the blogs themselves, although I did put effort into each post that I ended up doing I could have focused more on getting them done sooner rather than waiting til the last minute and in the end not getting them done.
  6. I liked that there was a unique way that I was more familiar with to make a relation to the text with something that has been around for quite a few years. Although it was sometimes to difficult to find and make a connection to the show and the text it brought in a new perspective beyond just the words on the page.
  7. The only thing that I disliked about blogging was not being a fan of the show, I was disinterested the entire time and overall did not enjoy blogging about a show that didn’t bring much excitement.
  8. The only suggestion to make is to think of another show that could be used that still holds the relevancy that Survivor does but is  tad bit more interesting.