Final reflection

I often find myself in the situations that I now respond differently. A couple of month ago, I helped a person who was stung by the stingray on the beach. I guess the stingray hit the artery because the blood was squirting from the leg of that young boy. I immediately started acting in the way I would not have acted before the start of the nursing school. I introduced myself, asked for permission to help, sent for a life guard/extra help, got a towel and asked him to push above the wound, etc. It was weird to me that other people did not seem to know what to do. His friends even attempted to stop the bleeding by pushing below the wound (I asked him to elevate the foot and press above bleeding site. They took it literally and started pushing above, but the foot was up, so they were actually pushing below – that would not have helped to stop the bleeding!).

My friends also often ask for my advice and explanations of the health issues. I am always happy to share whatever I learned and be helpful for people around me. I do hope that I will be able to remember all of the basic things I have learned and turn this foundation into a more working and practical knowledge and experience.