Final Stop on the Nursing School Ride Up Ahead…


Nursing 420: Care of a Complex Patient or better known to the senior nursing students as the final stop to our three year roller-coaster ride called NURSING SCHOOL. This semester our Professor Dr. Jaime Hannans has surpassed all expectations for what I thought my last semester will be like in a positive and innovative manner. I am very excited to take part in bringing technology and everything it offers us into our curriculum and our classroom. With technology constantly evolving around us and improving accessibility on a global scale, its presence in our nursing program has been long overdue. I am excited to see the end products that will be created by using a platform like CI Keys for my fellow nursing students and myself. So far things look promising. I am grateful Dr. Hannans and Dr. Hoffman share the vision of promoting excellence through the use of various innovative channels such as CI Keys. I can not wait to get started! Buckle your seatbelts!
