
On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with submitting your blog posts in a timely manner?


On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with posting at least one thorough comment on a peer’s blog?


One a scale of 1-5 (5 being very well), how well did you integrate class concepts into your posts about the Survivor show?

It took me about 2 blogs in to realize that was the concept of doing these blogs… so 4.

Please describe what you think your strengths were with regard to blogging and participation.

I like to believe my strengths were relating the chapter to the blogs once I realized I had to & I was pretty consistent on commenting on other students’ blogs, trying to comment on someone new each week.

Please describe how you think you could improve on your blogging and participation.

I definitely could have been more thorough and added more details about the episodes.

What did you like about blogging?

I like how interactive it was with having to comment on each other’s posts. It made us engaged with one another.

What did you dislike about blogging?

I dislike how off the timing is still for me because I can’t figure that out to save my life & also it was hard to relate the specific chapters. It would have been easier if we could have picked any chapter but only be allowed to relate the chapter for one blog.

What suggestions do you have for this assignment in the future?

Allowing the students to relate their blog to any chapter but once they use that chapter for a blog, they can’t use it again.