Finishing Strong

This semester learning about critical care has been my favorite semester throughout all of nursing school! It has definitely begun to feel like everything is clicking into place in regards to truly applying all of our knowledge. I have never felt more excited to go into clinical rotations than I have this semester, knowing that I will be learning so much in the short amount of hours available in clinical. My confidence in my clinical skills has skyrocketed, my assessments have improved, and my ability to piece together the whole picture with each patient has exponentially grown. My passion for critical care has shown itself as well, and I know that one day I would love to be able to call myself a critical care nurse. The potential knowledge, wisdom, autonomy, and critical thinking skills gained are incomparable. This rotation has overall strengthened not only my nursing skills but my goals as well. My goal includes becoming a nurse on the intensive care unit, whether that happens as a new graduate or later on in my career. That being said, I honestly cannot believe that three years of nursing school have come and gone. We have all grown so much since we started and will all in turn grow to be amazing nurses when beginning our careers! I cannot wait to see how it all turns out for us, even just a  year or two from now (at the reunion we will be having…right?)