First attempt at blogging…


So I am just going to begin by saying that I have never blogged before, ever. I have been a reader of blogs, blogs on food, lifestyle, and education. I have never been on the other side though. So this is a first.

I am currently enrolled in an EdTech class as a part of my program. One of my assignments for this class is in fact keeping this very blog. It has also been  a bit of a journey to get this set up. The difficulty that arose from trying to set up this blog has actually led me to what I have learned by taking this course. Often times there is so much focus put on the finished product. We are so concerned about the end result and less concerned about the process that it took to get there. This class has taught me that education, especially education in the age of technology, is about the process. Educational Technology cares more about the learning that comes from the process and less about final project a student may make.

Even as teachers we are constantly growing and always learning. Part of Common Core is using technology in the classroom, something many teachers still do not feel comfortable with. This article lists many ways teachers can become tech-savvy in the classroom This article further illustrates the fact that education is a constant journey. We can always learn more.

These next two articles also highlight the educational journey.

Education is a journey. Luckily, it is a journey where people are realizing that as long as effort is being put in education is about the journey, not as much the education.