First Day of NRS420

Wow! First day of the LAST semester of nursing school! Honestly, it’s hard to believe that soon, we will all be nurses! I have been looking forward to this semester and after the first day of class, I know that I was excited for all the right reasons! I love that our instructor is only providing us with material one week at a time–because I feel that it will definitely help with time management for all of us! As nursing students, we have two extremes; either we want to get it all done in the beginning and feel ridiculously overwhelmed by all the work we have to get done, or we put it off and procrastinate until we also feel ridiculously overwhelmed by all the work we have to get done.

I do feel a bit intimidated by the amount of different things we are going to be doing online, but I can appreciate that in the world we live in today the better adapt we are to using the technology we have available to use we will benefit greatly from it in the end.

Critical care, Nursing 420, is going to be such a great learning experience and I plan on taking full advantage of the materials provided to make us better future SOON TO BE nurses! Also, I would just like to say there are a LOT of pictures of cupcakes when you use flickr to find pictures of “critical care nurses”.

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