Folic Acid

Who? pregnancy, women of child bearing potential, and chronic anemia in renal patients


  • Vitamin Supplement
  • Pharmacokinetics- absorbed in GI tract, metabolized to dihydrofolate reductase by the liver, excreted in the urine, absorption is reduced when combined with antacids, sulfonamides, and cholestyramine
  • It works by promoting protein synthesis and blood cell production and is  involved in producing DNA and regulating other bodily functions

When? Usually given once daily

Where? OTC and clinical setting

Why? Given to women who are pregnant to promote healthy umbilical cord and fetal development.  Also, to prevent megaloblastic and macrocytic anemia when deficiency is present.

How? PO, IM, IV, SC, dosing 0.1-0.4mg/day, liquid form available for infants and neonates

  • side effects: rash, fever, irritability, confusion
  • do not give more than 0.1mg to pt with pernicious anemia