Framework for How to Read and Critique a Research Study/Article

Critiquing the research article

  1. Title – Does it accurately describe the article?
  2. Abstract – Is it representative of the article?
  3. Introduction – Does it make the purpose of the article clear?
  4. Statement of the problem – Is the problem properly introduced?
  5. Purpose of the study – Has the reason for conducting the research beenexplained?
  6. Research question(s) – Is/are the research question(s) clearly defined and if not, should they be?
  7. Theoretical framework – Is the theoretical framework described? If there isnot a theoretical framework, should there be?
  8. Literature review – Is the literature review relevant to the study,comprehensive, and include recent research? Does the literature review support the need for the study?
  9. Methods – Is the design appropriate for the study? Does the sample fit withthe research design and is the size sufficient? Was a data collection instrument needed? How were data collected? Were reliability and validity accounted for?
  10. Analysis – Is the analytical approach consistent with the study questions and research design?
  11. Results – Are the results presented clearly in the text, tables and figures? Are the statistics clearly explained?
  12. Discussion – Are the results explained in relationship to the theoretical framework, research questions, and the significance to nursing?
  13. Limitations – Are the limitations presented and their implications discussed?
  14. Conclusion – Are there recommendations for nursing practice, futureresearch, and policymakers?
  15. Decide if the study is applicable to your practice: Can you use the results and recommendations in your practice?

Prepared by Louise Kaplan, PhD, ARNP, FNP-BC, FAANP
Senior Policy Fellow, Department of Nursing Practice and Policy