Fully Emerged

Hello and good afternoon. For the past couple of months, I have directed my focus on the world and communities of LGBT. When I started this journey the research intended was to concentrate on the social issues that occur day to day. As I went further down the rabbit hole, I found that the issues are not that unfamiliar than those that are not part of LGBT. In no way am I insinuating that there are no social problems, nor that the social issues of LGBT are not unique in their fashion, it’s that many of them are the same for anyone growing up, finding their sexuality, trying to find their place in this chaotic world that we all try to survive in. Hell, I just celebrated my 48th birthday, and I still can’t figure it all out most of the time. My heart has grown with the LGBT community, and I show full support to those that battle the pressure of our society. “Be strong and be yourself,” that has been my motto for as long as I can remember and I am sticking to it. It has worked for me and maybe it can work for you.

This week I hyper-focused on health issues and ideas of how I could show support, or to get involved. Many states are focused on AIDS awareness this month, and there is a national focus on cancer, and cancer prevention. Even though both of these diseases are not exclusive to the LGBT, they are necessary to discuss. For the most part, we all know how to prevent the spread of HIV or AIDS. It is well known that many students do not have a “never-ending” supply of funds, nor a whole lot of time, but by getting yourself to the free clinic or the health center on campus to obtain some preventative measures, it just might be a life changer or saver. With most of the LGBT pages/groups that I have been following there are seminars and talks scheduled all over the county about HIV and AIDS awareness, along with other sexually transmitted diseases. Not to mention there are support groups for those that have already contracted and living with either of the two. It is never too late to show support to those that are suffering from these horrible conditions, nor is it too late to prevent them yourself.

While attending Ventura College, I met a man that has been living with full-blown aids for over twenty years. He mentioned how he had to take an entire cocktail of medications(up to seventeen pills per day) and how they seemed to take as much life out of him, as they were supposed to give. When he spoke to our Psychology class, his message was precise and powerful, only you can make that decision to take preventative action, and it is ultimately your responsibility. I have met many wonderful people in my collegiate career, and would hate to lose even one of them, due to something that could have been avoided altogether.

On that note, remember to keep smiling, make someone else laugh out loud, and have a fantastic day.



Just a little note to my many followers, in no way shape or form do I ever intend to offend or insult anyone for any reason. The topic chosen is highly sensitive and can be taken the wrong way, and I apologize in advance.