Future Teacher

Becoming a teacher is a real serious decision in many aspects. People who want to be teachers must have thick skin for protection of the criticism they will be facing. Despite of the negativity that may come along with the career (just like any other career), the joy of making a difference in a child’s life will make it all worth it. That my friend, is why I’m looking forward to becoming a teacher. Well, one of the reasons.

I have always been so lucky to have great educational experiences with my teachers, especially in elementary school. I always had a good time in my classes and enjoyed learning! To be honest, I would cry when i couldn’t go to school haha. As a future educator, I am looking forward to help mold our future generation. I am currently being trained for the Common Core standards and how to implement more technology in instruction. I will have technology be part of my classroom as much as possible since that is the direction education is heading. I must stay persistent and up to date with the latest and being technical is the latest!