Genre, how does it fit into AVC Women’s Soccer?

In writing, specialized topics emerge, as in discourse communities in which develop fundamental language, written communication, and is what usually falls into an expertise. Along with these, an important aspect, genre, tends to help match where the category falls into. “Each discipline whether it is English, Psychology, or History has its own key concepts and language for describing these important ways of understanding the world,” (1). Dirk explains how genre fits into writing.

In differentiating the difference between speech community and discourse community Swales states that: “Literacy takes away locality and parochiality, for members are more likely to communicate with other members in distant places, and are more likely to react and respond to writings than from speech from the past,” (2). The point is that writing not only records but makes communication viable through distances, in which participants can explore and be a part of, from virtually any workable location. Swales also suggests that writing creates communication that can be tacked on from the past, not just the present as how speech communities would be only reactive in the present moment.

When the word genre is used, people often think in terms of textual forms—for example, the form that a sonnet or review takes. Other times, people think in categories of items they enjoy—for example the genre of country music, epic films, or first person—shooter video games,” (4). These do fit into genres, but here we look into the deeper meaning and look into the details that are entailed in a specific genre. One example of this type of genre is Antelope Valley College Women’s Soccer.

As the genre falls into one specific means, the Facebook website, designed for Antelope Valley College’s athletes, one can find that events that have taken place are being discussed. For instance,

“Valerie Valladares assisted on Adriana Serrano’s goal just eight minutes in against West LA and scored another one in the second half as the Marauders ended significant futility and beat the Wildcats 4-0,” (3). For the 2015 record AVC had its second win after a difficult trend throughout the season. The genre discusses how the season is going for the Marauders as well as the most recent win/tie/loss track record.

As well as Antelope Valley College’s Main Website…..










Works Cited


  1. Dirk, Kerry, “Navigating Genres.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Eds. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Parlor Press, 2010. 249-262. Web.
  2. Swales
  3. <>.
  4. Anonymous, . “Genre.” College Composition and Communication, 62.3 (2011): 560.



Writing discourse for collegiate soccer specifically Antelope Valley College, genre medium usually happens online at the AVC website and as well as Facebook’s athletic discourse page. The writing discourse falls into genre as it discusses what has happened during matches and the history associated with the opponent at hand. Usually matches from year to year are being played against the same colleges, so it is interesting to discuss whether tradition has been broken; a team may have a tendency of losing to a particular team in which one of the main goals for the year would be finding a strategy to match the opponent, discovering offense or defense patterns, and player marking.