Getting close to the end

It’s been a slow couple of weeks. Two weeks ago I finished up for the most part being with the high school. The only thing left to do with them is to take them out to the island and to get them to really see what it’s like to be out doing research. Last week was spring break, I used that time off to do some reading for our big paper that we are working on. There is a lot of papers out there about citizen science so that is always good.

Today I have finally started to work on getting all of my stats together. So for my stats I am working with an excel sheet that makes for me when the quiz is done. That is the nice part so a lot of stuff is already put into place I just need to add some more stuff to it and make a nice bar or plot graph. Over all my project is coming together nicely I just need to get it all in place and have a few people look it over for me.

One of many graphs that I am working on
One of many graphs that I am working on