Getting closer to the end

Well during this week I have been busy doing capstone stuff. Channel Islands High School had Monday off this week, so I had nothing to do that day. Then on Tuesday I talked about the Jenga game that we played last time and why we played it. Then there was a guest speaker Jessie Alstatt. Jessie talked about why it is important to do long term studies and about the rocky intertidal species.

Jessie and her Powerpoint
Jessie and her Powerpoint

Then on Wednesday I introduced the high school students to my online quiz on This test had 17 questions on it asking to identify different species that are in the rocky intertidal area. This first test was meant to be a baseline on how much they already knew about the different species that we will be looking at. Most of them did well and others not so well. This was the point of the quiz so it was fine. Then after I gave them the quiz I gave them a quick tutorial on the quiz-let that I am using that the LiMPETS people made to get people to do better then I gave them some time to go over the quiz-let. I was unable to go to the high school classes because I had a class that day that I was unable to miss, so Chris was there and got the students started on their hypothesis and background research. On Friday I was there and I helped Chris to prepare the students in both the Sandy Beach protocol and the Rocky Intertidal area. Chris helped the students with the Sandy Beach stuff and I worked on the Rocky intertidal zone.

The first quadrate the students had
The first quadrate the students had
The second quadrate the students had
The second quadrate the students had
The third quadrate the students had
The third quadrate the students had
The four quadrate the students had
The four quadrate the students had
The fifth quadrate the students had
The fifth quadrate the students had
The six quadrate the students had
The six quadrate the students had
The seven quadrate the students had
The seven quadrate the students had
The eighth quadrate the students had
The eighth quadrate the students had
The ninth quadrate the students had
The ninth quadrate the students had

Next week the plan is to give the students some more study time, give the quiz one more time, making sure that they know what to bring for the field trip to Carpentaria State Beach, then another guest speaker named Steven that will talk more about the Sandy Beach Protocol. He will do this because he has been doing some research about it and will give the students a lot of good insight about. Then we will be taking the students out to Carp where they will do the research.


Once they do the research they will be working on a presentation for a week and give it to Chris, Erika and myself.