Getting Started

  1. Add a new post
    • Go to and log in. To log in:
      • Your first name is your user name.
      • Your password is masterman (all lower case). Len Masterman is one of the original media literacy proponents in the United States. You’ll be reading some of his seminal work in this course.
    • Click + New
    • Give it a title
    • Add your text in the dialogue box. You can change text style (bold, italics, text color, etc) by selecting menu tools above. If you do not see two rows of tools, select the icon that looks like a box, called “Toolbox Toggle” and more tools will appear.
  2. You can also insert images in the dialogue box by:
    • selecting the Media button and uploading pics;
    • in your dialogue box select the Add Media button (located above the toolbar)
  3. You can send people to other websites by linking to them from within your dialogue box.
    • Type the descriptor for that website. For example: Kaia’s website
    • Highlight that descriptor
    • Select the Insert/Edit Link tool. In that dialogue box, paste the website address and select “open link in a new window/tab” and then click “Add Link”
    • The web description is now clickable, and linked to that web address: Kaia’s website
  4. Click Publish.
  5. Voilá! You have posted.
  6. Read each other’s posts and respond to them via comments (click the speech bubble next to the post title), not via new posts.
  7. Visit other groups’ blogs throughout the semester. Look for opportunities to encourage and appreciate each other’s critical engagement with course readings and other learning activities.