Go away Sterotypes

Greetings from disneyland,


Personally when it comes to  Race stereotypes I greatly become angry and frustrated about how the word becomes so closed minded.Honestly I detest stereotypes, personally I don’t believe they have a reason for being around.  When the article says that “We need to stop categorizing and generalizing people” it’s the sad truth that we as a society are to focus on putting  labels on anything. Thnik about it, you have tv movies displaying the jocks as brainless people (for example think of glee, they preseve Noah Puckerman’s character as a stupid football player who liked to sleep with Cheerleaders. Or take the Nerds of the big bang theroy, the show allows people to think smart people are loners that may or may not find someone to accept them.) But in all honestly this article has officially kind of gave me a new look on it. I do believe we need to stop stereotyping, but in this article I can see why we need to look at it in a different light, mainly that this could change for other people if we teach them to see that being open to others and their ideas will prevent stereotyping. Our open minds can bring us to a better place than generalizing and creating problems for other people.