Go wash a car, Drew.

My favorite episode so far, “We’re a Hot Mess” ends with a bang that no one saw coming, the self proclaimed “Kingpin” Drew goes home. (haha)

As the group gets closer to the merge it is imperative that alliances are made and those who should not be in the game, are gone. After Drew throws the immunity challenge and this leads to a huge uproar within Hunapu. Drew wants Kelly out, Jeremy wants Keith out and the rest don’t know what to do. This is a great example of Substantive Conflict. The group cant come to a clear consensus as what to do.

One of the main conflicts going on is between Jeremy and Keith.  Keith got a clue that the idol was near the well near their camp, when Keith could not find the idol he automatically assumes Jeremy has it and goes on to tell the others. Where he went wrong is that the others went and told Jeremy what Keith had been saying. Jeremy, taking this accusation as an attack he is immediately no longer in alliance with Keith but rather gunning for him instead.

Affirmative Conflict would have to be  the Drew and Kelly situation. Drew throws a challenge so they have to go to tribal counsel in an attempt to start offing the females. Drew taking the lead as the head of the tribe works against him and in the end, he is voted out and blindsided by the women.

Another little thing I found interesting was during the challenges they have the visual explanation for the viewers at home using a real person, in this visual they use a female member of the blue tribe making all of their baskets, then  Hunapu ends up actually  being the winner, possible foreshadow? You decide.

The only negative aspect of Drew leaving would have to be one of my own personal interests which would have to be that I would have liked to see the two brothers, Drew and Alek go against each other in a head to head reward challenge .