Good Ole Dale

This week on survivor the Hanuphu tribe continued the spiral downward. After their immunity challenge then Hunahphu camp was trying to decided what do especially since they did not have any rice left and they had probably were going to have to have to give something up in the proposition they made towards Jeff the host to receive something for their rice. During this episode there was a lot of members in the tribe that were plotting against each other and some members so the group that were not on the same page as others. They expressed conflicts of the cultural-ism dimensions of collectivism, individualism and high power distance.

The commencement of the episode started off with Coyopa tribe on a high and having a magical feeling about how much they were on top while most members of Hunuphu were not happy. As a tribe you as supposed to show unity in your decision for trying to get ahead but Jeremy was not happy with the decision to possibly trade something for rice. After Jeff brought the rice in exchange for their comfort items Jeremy let his feeling be know, mainly behind the scenes. He showed anti-collectivism. Collectivism is understanding that the different perspectives and individuals personal achievement should be rewarded. Jeremy does not understand why the group is not working together despite the odds and putting their individualism to play so that they would survive on their own. I think Jeremy felt he had done so much for the group so why did his tribe not value his opinion and did not ask him for one. Jeremy also did not understand why the tribe should be so collective in their decisions on the rice, he felt there possible could have been another way and his tribe felt the consequences when it rained.

After the immunity challenge and Natalie volunteered herself to go on exile island. I personally did not understand in the beginning why she did that, because that island looks like no fun. As the episode progressed it showed that Natalie was using this to her advantage and foreshadowing to the future when the tribes would combine. She was looking towards alliances and how being an individual will help the alliance she is apart of and strengthen bonds for later.

Good Ole Dale from the beginning felt outcast-ed from his tribe and knew there was going to be the possibility that he would be voted out. He played the big man card and exaggerated in forming new alliances by saying he had a immunity idol. While Keith was just chilling in a corner with his. Dale was excersising high power distance he accepted the difference in power in his tribe and how the king pins of his tribe were gunning to get him out. And tried to change that. In the end it did not work out for him and he was voted out.