Goodbye #4


Does this not make sense to anyone else? Granted in the end there is only one winner but let us not forget we’re only 3 people out. We can’t get selfish yet because where does that leave us? As the fourth person out. Bye yaaaaa Drew!

He basically asked for it! Team work first, build alliances, get your tribe to like and trust you so when it does come down to voting off, your name doesn’t even come to thought. Instead, he decided to throw the game so the orange team can finally have a victory and take a rest? Was he that confident he would not get voted off? Shady strategizing on his part, but he paid for it.

I thought the blue team was stronger for sure. When it comes down to the athletic part, they still prove to be, but getting along as a team, they are weaker than the orange.  I’d like to see the underdogs still rise above but not because someone from the other tribe is throwing the competition.