Graduation, here we come!


Getting out of clinical this past Sunday, I knew that it was the last day of clinical ever, but for some reason it didn’t really hit me as the end of nursing school. I went to class on Monday and still, it just felt like another regular week of school. It wasn’t until Tuesday night, when I sat with my group to finish up our presentation that it really hit me, this will be the last assignment, no more late nights, no more coffee runs before school, and no more class time. As I sat there, I couldn’t help but remember the first semester during pathophysiology. The room filled with unfamiliar faces, strange personalities, and now, three years later there is nothing weird about sitting with my group members, expressing our opinions about which direction we want our project to go. The change is unreal. We have come so far, overcome boundaries, shared tears, worked on countless projects, called each other during joyous and stressful occasions, and to think this will all be over soon is so bittersweet.


This class has been such a learning experience. It was more than just focusing on all the critical care content, using technology and blogging came as a pleasant surprise. I never knew how much I would enjoy blogging; it sure does make blackboard discussion board look bad. Thanks Jaime! I think this was a great way to end our nursing education, venturing into the vast world of technology, which can be scary and so beneficial at the same time.


Coming in three years ago I knew it would be challenging for me, as I am not the most outgoing or loudest person in the room, but I thank the instructors and above all, my classmates for making me feel at ease with them. Now, there is nothing I am afraid of, we came together for this experience, shared failures and successes, laughter, and that is something I will always cherish. Cheers to the memories that have past and to the memories that are to come! I love you all!