Group Development on Survivor

In the first episode of survivor we definitely got to experience the forming stage. When the survivors first got to the Island we were introduced one by one a little history background, after the introduction the individuals were split into 2 groups and separated from their love ones. This is when the forming stage happens and each team got to spend time with their new team mates where they discussed there group goals

In the Hunaphu tribe we see some of the storming stage you could see a little bit of tension starting to form when Julie talks about how Drew  wants to be in charge, you could see some jealousy arises and people are starting to want to take on roles in the group and form some type of identity.

In episode 2 we saw more of the storming stage when Baylor finds out that Josh voted for her to be swept off the tribe and those were not the plans they had in the beginning. Baylor is mad at first because she saw it as sketchy that he did that but after Josh explains that the reason he did it was so that the guys on the team didn’t know that they had some type of alliance going on. Once that Baylor understands we see the norming stage where she sees it was a smart idea but she thinks that they should have had a better communication so she knew what was going on and didn’t feel like she was being lied to.

Each person is now getting to know each other and figuring each other out, we  see the productivity of the team all working together to be more competitive with one another to show who is the best and to prove they have what it takes to win SURVIVOR!!