Group Guidelines


-Strengths: organization, time management, has significant interest in topic (renal), consistently meets deadlines

-Weaknesses: group projects, busy schedule, lack creativeness in composing computer presentations.

-Values: appreciates equal workload, timeliness, quality over quantity

-Strategies for successful team functioning: setting deadlines, appreciating each other’s unique talents and perspectives, communication (especially if things do not go well), equal distribution of workload


-Strengths: Possesses leadership qualities, dependable, organized, and creative

-Weaknesses: Busy work schedule, different schedule than team members, not computer saavy

-Values: Honesty, hardwork, and respect

-Strategies for team success: Meeting deadlines, respecting other’s ideas, equal workload, interest in topic

-Leadership Style: Democratic leadership style: Involving others in their decisions

-Communication Style: Hopefully, everyone uses an assertive communication style. Having a passive or aggressive communication style will get the group nowhere fast.

 State a team name, letter of your group (A-F), and describe the reason the name was chosen:

Our team name is the ACE inhibitors (B). This name was chosen because we are responsible in providing information about the renal systems.

Meeting time(s) and location(s) for the duration of the semester:

Between nursing 420 and 488 on Wednesday afternoons. Whatever was not taken care of we will meet after nursing 488. We will meet at various locations on campus; classrooms, library, student union, and outside.

Role of each group member (Are there roles? Or delegated tasks?):

Roles have not indefinitely be defined. Each person will pull their weight equally and we will work as a team to get the job done.

Who will lead each meeting? If you will rotate, detail how this will occur?

Each person will contribute to the meeting with no particular leader. Everyone will be encouraged to share their ideas and have an equal input.

Who will take minutes and record action items? If you will rotate, detail how this will occur?

Rose will take minutes and keep track of what is said at each meeting.

What will your process be for dealing with group members who miss meeting or who are late? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or in a group?

We hope that everyone is responsible enough to meet, however, things do come up and there will be another mode of communication to keep the absent group member updated; email, phone, googledoc, etc. Repeat offenders will be talked to in a group setting.

What will your process be for decision making? If you decide on a consensus vote, what will your process be for making a decision if consensus cannot be reached?

There will be a democratic vote. Everyone will have the right to have an opinion or idea. We will narrow it down to two topics and vote. Two out of three gets the vote. We are not worried that we will not meet a consensus.

What will your process be for dealing with a team member who does not fulfill his or her team assignment(s)? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?

Again, we are in hopes that everyone in the group is responsible and respects each other’s times and wishes. A person that does not fulfill their assignment will be talked to in a group setting. We will find an alternative to the student getting the assignment done.

What will your process be for resolving conflict within the group? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?

Hopefully, there is no conflict. If it is a conflict between two group members than the third does not need to be present. The conflict will be discussed in a professional manner in hopes to resolve it and move on.

First and Last Name of all group members:

Autumn Moon

RoseAnn Fischer

Cesar Rivera