Group Leadership in Survivor

After the reality of Josh being voted off of Survivor sinks in, the men’s alliance realize they are in a really tough position. One of their biggest problems is perhaps their leadership issue. Josh may not have been the sole or clear leader of the men’s alliance, but he certainly led the alliance and took the reign to try to persuade the other members and persuade them to join their alliance. I believe that the loss of Josh is a huge loss for the men’s alliance because Josh was an emergent leader. He was not specifically designated or voted the leader, but his interactions and communication with both his alliance members and his efforts to gain alliance with the other members made him a very strong and influential figure in the men’s alliance. Josh certainly used a very proactive approach with his leading, talking early and often and offering his opinion in order to persuade the other members.

After winning a luxurious reward in the reward challenge, Natalie and Jeremy make a dramatic announcement when they decide to give up their reward spots to John and Jaquelyn. This gesture not only shows Natalie and Jeremy’s respect for John and Jaquelyn, but it also signifies the fact that John and Jaquelyn are emerging as leaders as a couple in the game and in the other alliance. Because John and Jaquelyn hold two very valuable votes, it is pivotal to have them on your alliance. Opposed to Josh, John and Jaquelyn take more of a backseat approach to their leadership, listening to everyone’s side of the story and plan and sharing what they know to each other to make the most informed decision they can. John and Jaquelyn’s communication and contributions to their alliances tribal council has evidently paid off and proven them to be a a very strong leader as a power couple.

John is obviously a very powerful player in this game. I think that this stems from the fact that John has both very strong position and personal power. John’s positional power comes from his and Jaquelyn’s position as the power couple and swaying vote. Because his vote is so vital as it is essentially two votes in one, he holds a very strong and powerful position when it comes to members wanting his alliance. His personal power has also gained prowess as his alliance members like Jeremy and Natalie have shown their strong respect for John.