Group Rules

State a team name, letter of your group (A-F), and describe the reason the name was chosen:
Group 11 (Nikki, Carl, Janine)
COPD – we chose this name because it is the disease we chose to highlight in our project

Group Meeting time(s) and location(s) for the duration of the semester:

Jan. 28 – Broome Library – delegated first portion of project
Feb 8 – Deadline for voicethread outline and powerpoint on Googledocs
Feb 13 – Nikki’s home – recording voicethread/PPT for 1st part of project

March – TBD
April – TBD

Role of each group member (Are there roles? Or delegated tasks?):

Nikki – Leader
Tasks: Voicethread assignment – Patho/Presentation of disease
Carl – Recorder/Online coordinator
Tasks: Voicethread assignment – Interventions & related complications to disease process

Janine – Researcher
Tasks: Voicethread assignment – Pharmacological interventions

Who will lead each meeting? If you will rotate, detail how this will occur?:

Nikki Ives

Who will take minutes and record action items? If you will rotate, detail how this will occur?:

Carl Eisenthal

What will your process be for dealing with group members who miss meetings or who are late? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?

-Missing meetings or being late is understandable with proper reason.
– First time offense will be excused and we will try to work on scheduling around
everyone’s schedule
– Repeat offenses will be communicated with member of the group alongside
all the members of the group
– If it is merely difficult to meet based on differing schedules we will attempt
to meet evenings utilizing Skype

What will your process be for dealing with distractions (side bar conversations, cell phone conversations, etc.) during a meeting? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?

-If a group member does not fulfill their assignment after expectations have been
communicated, an extension will be made so that they may be able to turn in
their portion of the assignment in time.
– If the offense continues, other group members will have to step in to complete
the assignment to receive credit by instructor. However, the group member’s
failure to cooperate and meet deadlines will be communicated to the professor.
The amount & quality of work (or lack thereof) will be evaluated by the group
alongside Dr. Jaime Hannans to designate the grade this group member merits.

What will your process be for resolving conflict within the group? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?:

Conflict will be resolved using discussion and compromise by all group members. If conflict is due to a group member underperforming, the process mentioned above will be utilized. Discussion will occur as a group and will involve respect of all group members and their opinions.

List any other applicable group norms that your group committed to:

It was agreed by the group that constant communication and early deadlines will be set throughout the course of the semester. Group deadlines will be prepared far in advance of the class deadlines in order to control any unexpected complications. All group members agreed to respect the early deadlines and each others’ opinions.

First and Last Name of all group members: 
Nikki Ives
Carl Eisenthal
Janine Villanueva