
My name is Mary White. I am excited to be taking this course this summer but also nervous because I tend to struggle with technology at times. I am about to begin my senior year at CSUCI this Autumn for my BA in Liberal Studies. I feel I am determined, responsible, and highly driven. In the next five years I hope to be teaching in my own elementary school classroom and working on my Masters. I would say a guilty pleasure of mine would be reality television. I can watch anything from bickering housewives to dramatic veterinarians  for hours without fail. I become so immersed in those worlds even though I would describe it all as trash television. One thing I found funny on the internet recently was a Facebook post that linked to the website, BuzzFeed. They compiled 24 posts from Tumblr that described being a cat owner which I found both relatable and funny because I have always owned cats in my life.

If you are interested, here is the link:


And here is a selfie for you all (:
