

My name is Katlyn Fahl. Most of the time people just call me Kat. I am 21 years old and currently going into my senior at CSUCI. I am originally from Hawaii, but moved to California in grade school. My mom is from Ecuador and my dad’s family is from Japan. I am a preschool teacher at Kids Corner in Ventura. I teach 2-3 year olds and I really enjoy it. One guilty pleasure of mine that would involve media would have to be television. I like to come home from work and catch up on my shows. After I graduate from CSUCI, I would like to establish a teaching job. It doesn’t matter what state its in because I enjoy traveling. Coming from avery diverse family, I would like to teach in a different country.  I enjoy traveling to different country, but my favorite country would have to be Uganda, Africa. I plan to be a muiltisubject teacher, but am willing to step out of my comfort zone.