Hello everyone!


Classmates, professors, and readers alike, allow me to bore you with a little information about myself. I regret to tell you that I have nothing fancy or fantastical to share with you. With that little disclaimer in mind, let us commence.

I am your atypical senior in college: always tired, running on coffee and/or Monster, and burnt out from being in school for so long. I am studying to be a high school English teacher, hence the English major with an Education and Creative Writing emphasis. Why not go on to teach college? Why stop there? It is a tad bit personal to share on a public forum, but if any of you are truly curious, I am more than happy to share my story and reasoning. I am doing a double English major though, with a Creative Writing emphasis. It seems obvious that based on that choice that I love to write. I have written and published a novel, and am working on a multitude of projects at once: short stories, memoirs, plays, poems, etc. Unfortunately, even with the Creative Writing emphasis I am unable to write what I want to write. To accomplish this, I am employed as a ghostwriter. I write stuff, get paid, and all credit is taken away from me.

I work a few jobs. I am an assistant to a construction manager. It’s a boring job but it pays well. I am a tutor and after school counselor for kids at a Tae Kwan Doe studio. I love this job, my kids are absolutely adorable and sweet. Sometimes they are a handful, but what do you expect having 25 kids all in the same room at once? For the final job, as mentioned, I am a ghostwriter. This fulfills my desire to write. The only downside to it is that I do not get any credit for my work. The pay usually makes up for that though; it depends on the client.

Netflix is my best friend. Jessica Jones, Doctor Who, X-Files, Making a Murderer (don’t spoil anything I am nowhere near done with it) are fantastic. When I am not working or doing school, I am at the gym watching Netflix on my phone so I do not feel miserable during my cardio workouts.

My life mainly consists of school, work, and Netflix. Those three things are essential to my college identity.

I am not a huge fan of social media, but I guess my guilty pleasure would be Pinterest. I have over 12 thousand pins and over 15 boards. I pin a lot of things related to food and weddings. I love food, but I’m not getting married, just dreaming about it. Strange, I know.

To be honest, I do not like talking about myself so I am just going to stop there. If you want to get to know me more, please just email me or something. I am a little awkward at first, I won’t lie. I would much rather read your mini biographies. I look forward to working  with you this semester!