Hello Nursing 401!

Hello Everyone!

My name is Samantha Betteridge and I have been an RN for about 5 months.  I graduated from College of the Canyons in June 2014, took the NCLEX in July, and now I am in ADN-BSN program here at CI.  I am really close with my family and I live with my mom, dad, and two younger sisters.  Outside of nursing, I love to snowboard, exercise, get together with friends, relax with my family, and lots of other things to stay active and have fun.  I currently work as a  nanny to a 3 year old girl while I am in school.  After I get my BSN, I am really interested in working in the ED.  I am not sure where I see my nursing career headed.  I would like to find my niche in nursing before I decide where I want my career to go.  For now, I am trying to keep my mind open to all possibilities and areas of work!