Helping Relationships

  • What are the characteristics that seem most natural to you given your present style of helping?

The characteristics that seem most natural to me in my given style of helping are that it is meaningful, involves communication and interaction, and understanding and involvement. A meaningful relationship comes natural for me because I look for meaning in everything I do. If it is helping someone out when they came to me for help it means they trust me and that is meaningful. Also a relationship that involves communication and interaction comes natural to me because I like to communicate with others and if communication helps someone even better. Interaction is also natural because I believe when I interact it makes others feel better and makes them feel like I do care. Lastly it would be understanding and involvement because I need to understand what is  going on without judging or jumping to conclusions, Involvement is also natural because is someone came to me for help it’s because they need help in something that I could possibly help them in.


  • So what characteristics may be difficult for you presently to model or try out?

The characteristic that may be difficult for me to presently model or try out are being approachable and secure as a person, and shows a clear structure. It’s not hard for me to be secure as person but to seem approachable because I feel like I am very honest and I feel like some people may take that as me being mean. Also I sometimes look like I am angry when walk or don’t talk because of my face expressions. Also showing a clear structure would be hard for me because when someone approaches me for help there is no clear way where things will go.


  • Now what can you do to integrate some of these more difficult characteristics into your helping style?

I can integrate them by trying to be honest in a nicer way and thinking before I speak because I can be too honest at times. Also I can try to control that when someone approaches me with a problem I try control where the situation is going so it doesn’t get out of control. It will be a bit difficult for me to learn how to integrate these characteristics I am having difficulty with because it’s something new. But, by doing small activities everyday I think it can become a natural characteristic. What I can do is start by thinking before I speak because other can take offence to what I say. Also I can try to smile more so I look more approachable as a person. This will not only help me be a better leader but it will help me overall.