Here comes the rain.

Tonights chaper is all about leadership. In this blog we will go over the episode as well as connect it to chapter five of Working in Groups by Isa N. Engleberg and Dianna R. Wynn.

First we start out with the reward challenge, Jacklyn is pinned against Natalie, John agianst Jeremy, Baylor against her mom, and Keith against Alan. Everyone ends up muddy and yellow goes home with a win! One turn is when Natalie and Jeremy give their rewards to Jacklyn and John to show them they are thankful for being loyal in Tribal Counsel.

I would look at that as a form of personal power, Jacklyn and John have found themselves on a yacht eating sandwiches, they have shown their individual characteristics and have been seen as loyal, they have earned status within their group. (Engleberg and Wynn, pg 105)

During the elimination challenge, the tribe members must stack blocks with their feet. Baylor ends up winning the immunity challenge and ends up winning positional power within the tribes. she was won immunity, her power comes from her new status within the tribes. (Engleberg and Wynn, pg 105)

Can I also say, John is really using his power of the idol to rock theo boat.  Jeremy believes that John has the idol, John swears he doesnt but now that Jeremy has spoken his mind John wants to get rid of Jeremy. This is truly mind blowing to me! After everything Jeremy did for John, allowing him to take his spot on the yacht, then spending the night on Exile Island, John is truly the leader here in my opinion.

As the elimination round is up, John and Jacklyn’s power shows to be validated as Jeremy goes home. As it was said by the host, “tonight was both brutal and beautiful”, I think this fit perfectly.