Here’s your fake idol

Chapter 7 is about  listening, the book defines listening as “the ability to understand,analyze, respect, ad appropriately respond to meanings of another person’s spoken and nonverbal messages”(Engleberg and Wynn, pg151).

Although humans spend a lot of time listening, we are not very good at it. This episode was a hard match to the reading I will be honest, so bear with me. During the elimination challenge the communication between groups shows, where the Hunapu tribe has the best team skills and is able to put the puzzle together quicker and more efficiently than the Coyopa tribe. Hinapu wins the elimination challenge.  Empathetic listening goes beyond just listening and puts the listener in the other persons shoes, although this does not effect anyone in the show I myself am under that influence. I am able to see what is going on across the board in this game, which makes me more likely to get a personal connection and understanding to the players.