Hey Group!

Hey everyone! My name is Allison Sommars, and I just finished up my third year here at CI. I am 21 years old and ready to party it up this summer, just kidding! I am not the partying type.  I was born and raised in San Diego and plan on never leaving. Hopefully I can live in San Diego after I graduate. Speaking of graduating, I honestly have no clue what I want to do with my life. I am a communication major with an emphasis in health, so I am thinking about speech pathology or going into nursing school, but I still have time to make up my mind. My most favorite thing to do is be outside, whether it is at the beach or on a hiking trail. My biggest guilty pleasure involving media is Netflix. For example, I watched Greys Anatomy for the majority of the day today, oops. Oh, also the Bachelor/Bachelorette series. If I miss an episode, I honestly get a little sad and have to find a way to watch it ASAP, it’s terrible. Anyways, that’s me! Looking forward to what this class is all about! ?
