Hi group 3!


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Hello everyone! My name is Gianna White and this upcoming fall will be my second year at CI! I was a transfer student from Moorpark College. I am majoring in Early Childhood Studies and I am beyond thrilled that I willl get to be working with children. After graduation next year I want to complete the prerequisites to apply in the teaching credential program here at CI. My goal is to become an elementary scool teacher for kindergarten or first grade. The future does freak me out sometimes since graduation time is approaching  and the road to becoming a teacher  seems intense. However I have been ready for the busy road up ahead and excited to become a teacher! This is also my first online class so I did spend some time yesterday exploring the course, and if anyone has any pointers along the way don’t be shy and share them with me! I’d love any guidance!! ? A guilty pleasure I have about media is Instagram…. I spend too much time on the app on my phone and it is terrible!!! During the last weeks of school this past semester I would delete the app on my phone when I needed to get assignments completed, very sad I know! Taking breaks from social media are beneficial for sure. I am excited about this course and ready to learn several new things over the next 5 weeks!