Hi There Group Three!



My name is Madison Towers, and I’m a 21 year old recent transfer student coming from the Bay Area!(GO GIANTS) I was born and raised in the bay, and it’s a total change of pace here in SoCAL. I am just finishing up my first semester here at CI and I love it! I’m a liberal studies major, planning on becoming an elementary school teacher, ideally teaching 3rd grade. I will be graduating next spring, and transferring to CSU Fullerton to work toward my single subject credential and a masters in education. I enjoy traveling, being outdoors, photography, and reading. My biggest(most embarrassing) guilty pleasure is that I’m a huge reality TV junky. The more drama the better. You name it, I watch it. Reality TV makes me feel better about my own life, even though I am aware that its not “reality”. I am looking forward to what this class has to offer, however I am very nervous due to it being a 5 week online course. If anyone has any pointers, that would be super helpful! Thanks in advance.