Homework 1

NRS 420 Likes and Dislikes

Likes: As I reflect back on how far we’ve come in the nursing program, I am amazed at the growth I have witnessed both in myself and my fellow soon-to-be-nurses! This semester is exciting for me mainly because I look forward to “putting it all together,” and integrating all the knowledge that I have gained thus far. Last semester, each of us was able to successfully create change through nursing leadership, which we will continue to emphasize with our EBP policy paper. In NRS 420 and the corresponding clinical rotation, there will be an increased focus on case management and further development of the entire nursing role.  In addition, I am excited for this course because critical care is the specialty I am most interested in pursuing, and therefore, I look forward to exploring the characteristics of critical care and learning as much as possible to effectively care for patients affected by complex health conditions.

Dislikes: Unfortunately, I am very resistant to unfamiliar technology, and am not particularly gifted in this area. Therefore, the blog and unique online requirements of the course will be challenging for me. However, with that being said, technology is a necessary part of nursing practice and I also believe that challenge is a necessary and beneficial part of life in order to stimulate growth, and so I appreciate the opportunity to develop new skills. Although I am struggling a little with the blog, I am excited for the Voice Thread digital storytelling assignment; the interactive capabilities of Voice Thread combined with the opportunity to illustrate a patient case study will be fun!

In conclusion, although I start every semester with a little apprehension as I determine how I will find balance between class workloads, personal commitments, and my work schedule, I am so thrilled to be entering the last semester of nursing school and look forward to graduation in May with such an amazing group of people!